Feeding Texas is an equal opportunity employer. In addition to positions found on this page, you can browse openings at food banks in Texas and across the nation via the Feeding America website.

Open Positions

  • VISTA Client Empowerment Corps

Feeding Texas seeks highly organized and motivated individuals to serve for one year at food banks participating in our "Client Empowerment Corps," the only statewide AmeriCorps*VISTA program addressing the causes and effects of food insecurity and empowering hungry Texans.

Since 2014, the Client Empowerment Corps has been helping food banks across the state engage the community and innovate programs to address the root causes of hunger and food insecurity. VISTAs (Volunteers in Service to America) build non-traditional partnerships to increase client access to new economic and health services, and strategically incorporate the voices of hungry Texans into the public conversation on hunger through the Storybanking Initiative and client engagement projects. With ample coaching and personal development opportunities, our corps offers emerging non-profit professionals a way to gain a level of experience above other entry-level positions.

Our VISTAs create innovative partnerships and services at food banks aimed at creating better health outcomes, increased financial security and opportunities for hungry Texans to add their voices to the public conversation.

Multiple service locations and projects are available.

To learn more about currently open positions or to apply CLICK HERE!

  • West Texas Food Bank, Director of Operations

The West Texas Food Bank Operations Director is responsible for the efficient and effective distribution, warehousing, logistics and facilities management functions of the West Texas Food Bank in support of its core mission of serving its partner agencies and their clients.

To learn more about the positions or to apply CLICK HERE!