You’re a hunger fighter. Maybe you manage a food pantry, keep snacks in your desk for hungry students, or volunteer at your local food bank. Maybe you’ve received food assistance and want to give back.

Whatever you do to create a hunger-free Texas, the Farm Bill impacts your work.

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This massive piece of legislation defines major nutrition programs like SNAP (aka food stamps) and food bank commodities – programs that are fighting hunger in your community right alongside you.

Now these programs are at serious risk. The Farm Bill currently moving through Congress proposes major changes to SNAP, including:

  • Cutting thousands of Texans off the program because they’re not considered “poor enough;”

  • Increasing the paperwork burden to receive benefits;

  • Harshly punishing SNAP recipients who want to work but are having trouble getting enough hours; and

  • Funding massive, unproven changes to existing workforce programs with the resulting funds - effectively starving Peter to employ Paul.

Congress can do much better, but only if we demand it. Call toll-free at 888-398-8702 to speak with your Congress Member today, and tell whoever answers the phone:

1) You are a constituent calling about pending legislation.

2) You live in [YOUR TOWN] and fight hunger in your community by [YOUR WORK].

3) You want your Congress Member to oppose the current Farm Bill, because it would: a. Cut food assistance for struggling families in your community, and b. Misuse those same funds to expand a bureaucracy that may sell the promise of work, but won’t deliver results.

4) Give a concrete example from your experience to demonstrate why you care.

5) Ask to receive a response from your Congress Member. And thank the staff member!

Creating a hunger-free Texas takes a unified effort. We need to stand up for each other and protect the programs that make a hunger-free Texas possible. Call today!