For Immediate Release: 5/23/17
Contact: Celia Cole, 512-590-0659 or

Statement attributable to Celia Cole, CEO of Feeding Texas:

“President Trump's proposal to cut $193 billion from critical nutrition programs is both reckless and cruel. These cuts are a direct attack on nearly three million Texans - children, seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and low-wage workers - who are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living in our state.

“Instead of providing support and opportunity, the proposed cuts will push these Texans farther down the economic ladder, depriving them of their basic needs just as they are finding their balance. This will have a devastating domino effect on rural, suburban, and urban areas of the state, as we see increased health care costs, decreased workforce productivity, and diminished academic outcomes.

“News reports indicate that the House of Representatives is considering similar cuts to SNAP in its June budget resolution. This is unacceptable; Congress must return to its historic, bipartisan commitment to protect nutrition programs and reject any proposal that leaves more Americans struggling against hunger.

“Federal nutrition programs are a proven and effective way to build prosperity by ensuring that every American has the fuel to lead a productive life. That’s why we have a shared responsibility to keep our neighbors – especially children, the elderly, and people with disabilities – from going hungry.”

Feeding Texas leads a unified effort for a hunger-free Texas.