For Immediate Release: 8/8/18
Contact: Celia Cole, 512-590-0659 or

Statewide Coalition Calls on Congress to Protect SNAP for Hungry Texans

Austin - Feeding Texas joined nine other prominent, statewide organizations serving low-income Texans in a letter urging Members of Congress to protect SNAP in current farm bill deliberations.

Food hardship continues to rise across the nation as Congress debates a final bill. According to a new study by the Food Research & Action Center, one in five Texas households with children report not having enough money for food. If stricter SNAP work requirements proposed by the House are approved, millions of Texans struggling to support their families could lose much-needed food assistance.

“The truth is that two thirds of Americans oppose cutting SNAP,” read the letter. “They understand that taking food away from some families in order to fund unproven employment approaches for others doesn’t reflect our compassion for our neighbors and isn’t good public policy. In the coming weeks, we trust that you will work wisely and in a bipartisan fashion to pass a farm bill that is helpful, and not harmful to all Americans.”

Feeding Texas leads a unified effort for a hunger-free Texas.